Bangkok Escorts Agency

Know some proper tips of Massage girls in Bangkok

The country of Thailand and its capital Bangkok are known for its massage girls. The Massage girls in Bangkok are widely known around the world so much so that, people visit Bangkok just for getting an experience of how these massages feel like. Not to mention, parlours which specialize in massages are everywhere in Bangkok. So, here the pros and cons of these massage girls.

Some tips of massage in Bangkok

·         One thing that you will probably be relieved to know is that all the Massage girls in Bangkok (at least in the best parlours) are clean and free of any sort of disease or infection. This is something that the parlours take extreme care of. If anything should go wrong, the parlour will be in huge trouble with the customers. Hence, they organize a medical check-up each month where these girls are analyzed with proper attention and care.

·         The number of girls to choose from in these massage parlours is truly something to behold. The average number of massage girls to choose from in the parlours is around 30. This includes sideliners, fishbowl girls, and massagers and so on. But the best and well-renowned ones often take it to the next step by offering you more than 30-40 women. The best part is that most of them are young and very pretty to look at.

·         The Massage girls in Bangkok themselves are something to behold. Even if there aren't too many girls to choose from, the sheer quality of them will have you in amazement. Most of them are fair skinned, are decently tall, are voluptuous in nature (if that's your kind of thing) and are gorgeous to look at. There is very less to like about them.

·         There is a certain time limit for booking these girls. Although the number of girls you want to hire is pretty huge and usually enough to satisfy your demands, the total time you have, to enjoy yourself can leave much to yearn for. Usually, the time duration is 1.5 hours to 2 hours in total. If you are someone who likes to take it slow, this might be a small hindrance. The enjoyment period can get limited.

·         Usually, the Massage girls in Bangkok in most parlours are so tired of sex that they end up not giving their best effort in some situations. That may lead to the frustration of the customers, and that customer might just be you. But don't worry, though. Even in their worst state, they will still give you a hell of a lot to remember them by. The language barrier might also prove to be a problem if you don't know Thai and if the girl doesn't know English.


The Massage girls in Bangkok are one of the most gorgeous in the world. People from all over the world come to visit them, so you can guess just how high their demand is. These are some of the pros and cons of the Escort  girls that you may want to keep in mind before deciding to pick a parlour for yourself.